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RU-GOST R,關(guān)于of的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

GOST R 57582-2017Services of professional cleaning. Cleaning services. System of an assessment of quality of the organizations of professional cleaning

GOST R 57686-2017Ceramic composites. Determination of misalignment of grips of a testing machine

GOST 34245-2017Glassfiber. Mats. Determination of time of dissolution of the binder in styrene

GOST 33984.3-2017Lifts. Rules and method of examination (test) and measurement by certification of safety device of lifts. Rules of sampling

GOST 20870-2017Rigid cellular plastics. Method for determination of the rate of passage of water vapour

GOST R 43.0.13-2017Informational ensuring of equipment and operational activity Preparation of specialist with turn of mind

GOST R ISO 8124-5-2017Safety of toys. Part 5. Determination of total concentration of certain elements in toys

GOST 34194-2017Aviation fuels. Estimation of net heat of combustion

GOST 34123.1-2017Confectionery. Method for determination of mass fraction of fruit and vegetable raw materials. Part 1. Determination of the mass fraction of organic acids

GOST R 57687-2017Plastics. Epoxy resins. Determination of degree of crosslinking of crosslinked epoxy resins by differential scanning calorimetry

GOST R 57567-2017Water quality. Identification of the hydromorphological features of rivers

GOST 34206-2017Plastics. Method for determination of shrinkage of thermosetting materials

GOST R 57665-2017Documents of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Part 1. Operational procedure

GOST R 57667-2017Formation and activities of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Terms and definitions

GOST R 57676-2017Conformity assessment. Ensuring conscientiousness in the producing of goods, providing services, implementation of work. Qualitative indices of evaluation

GOST R 57725-2017Activities of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation elected officials assistants. General requirements

GOST 34256-2017Plastics. Determination of propagation of fatigue crack in tension by the method of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM)

GOST R ISO 12625-12-2017Tissue paper and tissue products. Part 12. Determination of tensile strength of perforated lines. Calculation of perforation efficiency

GOST R 57746-2017Polymer composites. Determination of cleavage strength of adhesive bonded joints

GOST ISO 13765-6-2017Refractory mortars. Determination of moisture content of ready-mixed mortars

GOST R ISO 17544-2017Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium. Cold and tepid ramming pastes. Determination of rammability of unbaked pastes

GOST R 50779.29-2017Statistical methods. Statistical interpretation of data. Determination of statistical tolerance intervals

GOST R 57694-2017Polymer composites. Method for determination of curing characteristics of thermosetting resins

GOST R 53931-2017Medical-social expertise. Basic types of services of medical-social expertise

GOST R 57531-2017Dusts of nonferrous metallurgy enterprises. Method of lead mass content measuring

GOST R 57554-2017The nature conservancy. Hydrosphere. The accounting of measurement accuracy of controlled parameters in assessment of water quality compliance with statutory requirements

GOST R ISO 20203-2017Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Calcined coke. Determination of crystallite size of calcined petroleum coke by X-ray diffraction

GOST R 57532-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of zinc mass content measuring

GOST R 57513-2017Foods for special dietary uses. Methods of the determination of JA-glucans

GOST R 56828.19-2017Best available techniques. Energy saving. Methodology of identification of energy efficiency indicators

GOST R 57603-2017Reinforcing filler. Method for determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity

GOST R 57672-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of iron mass content measuring

GOST R 57654-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Method of arsenic mass content measuring

GOST R 57533-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of copper mass content measuring

GOST R 43.2.7-2017Informational ensuring of equipment and operational activity. Language of operation activity. Syntax

GOST R 57731-2017Reinforcing fillers. Method for determination of fatigue delamination of unidirectional reinforced composites

GOST 34132-2017Meat and meat products. Determination of amino acids composition of animal protein

GOST R 57652-2017Dusts of non-ferrous mttallurgy enterprises. Methods of cadmium mass content measuring

GOST R 57655-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of antimony mass content measuring

GOST ISO 16779-2017Sensory analysis. Assessment (determination and verification) of the shelf life of foodstuffs

GOST R ISO 17227-2017Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Determination of dry heat resistance of leather

GOST R ISO 22263-2017Model of construction works data organization. Framework for management of design information

GOST 34100.3.2-2017Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. Supplement 2. Extension to any number of output quantities

GOST 34100.3-2017Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement

GOST R 56828.29-2017Best available techniques. Energy saving. The order of definition of indicators energy efficiency

GOST 34163.2-2017Plastics. Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid. Plastics. Part 2. Instrumented method

GOST R 57653-2017Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of silicon dioxide mass content measuring

GOST 34131-2017Meat and meat products. Method of detection of irradiated foods by gas chromatography

GOST R 57745-2017Polymer composites. Determination of plane shear strength of laminates by short-beam method

GOST R ISO 13629-2-2017Textiles. Determination of antifungal activity of textile products. Part 2. Plate count method

GOST R ISO 11346-2017Vulcanized rubber and thermoplasts. Estimation of life-time and maximum temperature of use

GOST R IEC 61297-2017Industrial-process control systems. Classification of adaptive controllers for the purpose of evaluation

GOST 34100.3.1-2017Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. Supplement 1. Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method

GOST R 57693-2017United power system and isolated power systems. Operative-dispatch management. Active power reserves of United power system of Russia. Evaluation of the volume of active power reserves at short-term planning. Norms and requirements

GOST R 57638-2017Polymer composites. Determination of the fracture resistance of adhesive joints under cleavage conditions by means of double cantilever beam and tapered double cantilever beam

VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure,關(guān)于of的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

VDI/VDE 2600 BLATT 2-2018Management of measurement processes - Determination of the uncertainty of measurement of complex inspection processes

VDI 2449 Blatt 1-1991Measurement of gaseous immissions; determination of performance characteristics of measurement methods

VDI 3870 Blatt 10-1988Analysis of rain water; measurement of pH-value of rain water

VDI 6007 Blatt 1-2007Calculation of transient thermal response of rooms and buildings - Modelling of rooms

VDI/VDE 2474 Blatt 1-1968Materials of fine mechanics; moulding materials of polyolefine; moulding materials of polyethylene

VDI 6017 Blatt 2-2007Control of lifts in the event of fire - Extension of operation time

VDI 2060-1966Standards of evaluation for the state of balance of rotating rigid bodies

VDI 4219-2005Determination of the uncertainty of emission measurements by discontinuous methods of measurement

VDI 4446-2001Determination of cycle time of cranes

VDI 4280 Blatt 4-2006Planning of ambient air quality measurements - Substitution of missing values in series of measured values of ambient air quality

VDI 3722 Blatt 2-2007Effects of traffic noise - Characteristic quantities in case of impact of multiple sources

VDI 6007 Blatt 3-2010Calculation of transient thermal response of rooms and buildings - Modelling of solar radiation

VDI 3808-2010Assessment of energy efficiency of buildings and building services - Application of existing techniques

VDI 3587-1995Bill of costs@ identification and control of packing material and means of transportation

VDI 3799 Blatt 1-1993Measurement of immission effects; measurement and evaluation of phytotoxic effects of ambient air pollutants (immissions) with lichens; mapping of lichens for assessment of the air quality

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 4-2006Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering - Calculating methods of reliability characteristics of safety instrumented functions

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 4-2007Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering - Calculating methods of reliability characteristics of safety instrumented systems

VDI 3423-1978Rate of utilization and statistics of malfunction

VDI 3986-1998Determination of efficiencies of conventional power stations

VDI 3960-1996Determination of service hours of industrial trucks

VDI 3968 Blatt 1-2009Safety of load units - Specification of demands

VDI 3975 BLATT 3-2016Storages of hazardous substances - Operation of warehouses

VDI 3960-2013Determination of service hours of industrial trucks

VDI/VDE 2656 Blatt 1-2006Determination of geometrical quantities by using of scanning probe microscopes - Calibration of measurement systems

VDI 4005 Blatt 2-1981Influences of environmental conditions on reliability of technical products; mechanical influence of environmental factors

VDI 4005 Blatt 5-1981Influences of environmental conditions on reliability of technical products; electromagnetic influences of environmental factors

VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 7-2006Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Parameters and their checking - Estimation of measurement uncertainty of coordinate measuring machines by means of simulation

VDI 3957 BLATT 21-2019Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants (biomonitoring) - Evaluation of phytotoxic effects of ambient air pollutants with lichen exposure of Hypogymnia physodes

VDI 3794 Blatt 1-2008Determination of deposition fluxes of ambient air pollutants - Determination of the deposition fluxes of fluorides@ chlorides and sulphur oxides (SOx) by means of the IRMA-method

VDI 3480 Blatt 1-1980Gaseous emission measurement; measurement of hydrogen chloride; measurement of the hydrogen chloride concentration of waste gases with low content of particulate chlorides

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 6-2011Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering (PCE) - Application of functional safety in the context of explosion protection

VDI 4254 BLATT 1-2016Bioaerosols and biological agents - Measurement of metabolites of microorganisms - Measurement of MVOC in ambient air

VDI 4630-2014Fermentation of organic materials - Characterization of the substrate@ sampling@ collection of material data@ fermentation tests

VDI 4280 Blatt 5-2007Planning of ambient air quality measurements - Evaluation of the uncertainty of spatial air quality assessments

VDI 4254 BLATT 1-2018Bioaerosols and biological agents - Measurement of metabolites of microorganisms - Measurement of MVOC in ambient air

VDI 4552-2019Reduction of the effects of shocks of individual and periodically recurring shocks on vibratory systems

VDI 3722 Blatt 2-2009Effects of traffic noise - Part 2: Characteristic quantities in case of impact of multiple sources

VDI/VDE 3712-1991Onsertion of printed circuit boards; determination of placement accuracy and performance of SMD onsertion equipment

VDI 3794 Blatt 1-1982Determination of immission rates; determination of the immission rate by means of the IRMA-method

VDI/VDE 2476 Blatt 1-1969Materials of fine mechanics; moulding materials of polymethylmethacrylate

VDI 3860 Blatt 3-2008Measurement of landfill gas - Measurements of surface emissions

VDI/VDE 2471-1965Materials of fine mechanics; moulding materials of polystyrene

VDI 4080-2008Recycling of cars - Quality of recycled car parts

VDI/VDE 2631 BLATT 3-2017Measurement of form - Properties and selection of filters

VDI 3968 Blatt 1-1991Safety of loads on pallets; specification of demands

VDI/VDE 2631 BLATT 3-2018Measurement of form - Properties and selection of filters

VDI 6017-2004Control of lifts in the event of fire

VDI 4080-2005Recycling of cars - Quality of recycled car parts

VDI 3957 Blatt 6-2000Biological measuring techniques for the determination und evaluation of effects of air pollutants on plants (bioindication) - Determination of the phytotoxic effects of ozon and other photooxidants - Standardised exposure of tabacco

VDI 4005 Blatt 4-1981Influences of environmental conditions on reliability of technical products; chemical and biological influences of environmental factors

VDI 3862 Blatt 8-2014Measurement of gaseous emissions - Measurement of formaldehyde in the exhaust gas of combustion engines - FTIR method

VDI 2465 BLATT 2-2015Measurement of soot (ambient air) - Thermographic determination of elemental carbon after thermal desorption of organic carbon

VDI 2546-1977Capillary rheometry of molten polymers; presentation of flow- and viscosity curves and of entrance pressure losses

VDI 2448 Blatt 2-1993Evaluation of spot sampling measurements of stationary source emissions on the basis of given emission limits

VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 BLATT 2-2019Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - Methods for the determination of the uncertainty of measurement

VDI 2201 Blatt 1-1975Design of bearings; introduction to the performance of slidebearings

VDI/VDE 3710 Blatt 5-1991Manufacturing of printed circuits boards; conservation of soldering properties

VDI/VDE 3540 Blatt 2-1975Reliability of measuring and control equipment; classification of climates

VDI 4301 BLATT 7-2018Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement of carboxylic acids

VDI/VDE 3710 Blatt 5-1993Manufacturing of printed circuit boards; conservation of soldering properties

VDI/VDE 3710-1979Production of circuit boards; survey and list of procedures

VDI 2895-2010Organisation of maintenance - Maintenance as a task of management

VDI 4800 BLATT 2-2016Resource efficiency - Evaluation of the use of raw materials

VDI 4436-2004Measurement of mass and volume flows of bulk solids

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 3-1981Safeguarding of industrial process plants; classification of safeguarding systems

VDI 4450-1999Evaluation of economic efficiency of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

VDI 2448 Blatt 1-1992Planning of spot sampling measurements of stationary source emissions

VDI/VDE 3517 Blatt 3-1999Validation of control systems - Retrospective validation of legacy systems

VDI 4300 Blatt 8-1999Mesurement of indoor air pollution- Sampling of house dust

VDI 3885 BLATT 1-2015Olfactometry - Measurement of the odour emission capacity of liquids

VDI 4081-2003Recycling of cars - EDP management of recycled car parts

VDI 4301 BLATT 7-2017Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement of carboxylic acids

VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 10-2014Form measurement - Determination of the uncertainty of form measurements

VDI 3418-2011Realization of benchmarks for FE-simulations of sheet metal forming - Planning@ realization@ evaluation@ interpretation of practical tests

VDI 3956 Blatt 1-1993Aim@ significance and fundamentals of guidelines referring to the protection of soils; determination of maximum immission values

VDI/VDE 2040 Blatt 3-1987Calculation of fluid flowrates measured by means of orifice plates@ nozzles and venturi tubes; examples of calculation

VDI 2057 Blatt 2-1981Assessment of the effect of mechanical vibrations on human beings; effect of vibration on the human body

VDI 2078-2012Calculation of cooling load and room temperatures of rooms and buildings (VDI Cooling Load Code of Practice)

VDI 3832-2013Measurement of structure-borne sound of rolling element bearings in machines and plants for evaluation of condition

VDI 4252 Blatt 3-2006Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Active sampling of bioaerosols - Separation of airborne bacteria in liquids using the principle of critrical orifice

VDI 4219-2000Quality assurance - Determination of the uncertainty of emission measurements - Systematic estination method: Step-by-step estination of the contributions to the uncertainty of a measurement result

VDI 2465 Blatt 1-1995Measurement of soot (immission) - Chemical analysis of the elementary carbon by extraction and thermodesorption of the organic carbon

VDI 2506 Blatt 6-1963Components of agricultural machines; connecting: Appliance - appliance; limitation of the lateral traverse of steering devices at lower level

VDI 2135-1959Plain linkages; design of four-bar linkages for the production of given curves; use of symmetrical crank positions

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 3-1984Safeguarding of industrial processing plants by means of instrumentation and control technology; classification of measurement and control systems

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 4-1987Safeguarding of industrial processing plants by means of instrumentation and control technology; realization and test of protecting systems

VDI 3832-2005Measurement of structure-borne sound of rolling element bearings in machines and plants for evaluation of state condition

VDI 2737-2003Calculation of the load capacity of the tooth root in internal toothings with influence of the gear rim

VDI 2737-2015Calculation of the load capacity of the tooth root in internal toothings with influence of the gear rim

VDI 2449 Blatt 1-1970Test criteria of measuring methods; data sheet for the marking of of analysis methods for gas immission measurements

VDI 3959 BLATT 1-2018Vegetation as indicator of nitrogen input - Assessment of nitrogen availability by Ellenberg indicator values of forest ground vegetation

VDI 2762-1997Filtering properties of suspensions - The determination of filter cake resistance

VDI 6050-2015Assessing the sustainability of the built environment - Training of professionals

VDI 2221 BLATT 1-2018Design of technical products and systems - Model of product design

VDI 3970-1987Recommendations for the preparations of a maintenance schedule of conveyors

VDI 2166 BLATT 1-2017Planning of electrical installations in buildings - Fundamentals of energy controlling

VDI 2893-1991Making up of indicative figures for the judgement of maintenance

VDI 4062 BLATT 2-2019Danger prevention in case of life-threatening acts of violence

VDI 3883 BLATT 1-2013Effects and assessment of odours - Assessment of odour annoyance - Questionnaires

VDI 3360 Blatt 1-1964Securing of press tools by means of electric contact switches

VDI/VDE 3710 Blatt 1-1991Manufacturing of printed circuits boards; survey and list of definitions

VDI 2083 Blatt 1-1976Clean room engineering; fundamentals@ definitions@ determination of categories of purity

VDI 2700 Blatt 11-2005Securing of loads on road vehicles - Securing of reinforcing steel

VDI 3786 Blatt 7-1983Meteorological measurements concerning questions of air pollution; measuring of precipitation

VDI/VDE 3710 Blatt 1-1983Manufacturing of printed circuits boards; survey and list of procedures

VDI/VDE 3710 Blatt 1-1993Manufacturing of printed circuits boards; survey and list of definitions

VDI 2169-2010Functional checking and evaluation of gain of solar thermal systems

VDI 2159-1985Characteristic values of emissions of technical sound sources; gearing noise

VDI/VDE 3522 Blatt 2-2013Dynamic behaviour of contact thermometers - Measurement of time percent values

VDI 2166 BLATT 1-2016Planning of electrical installations in buildings - Fundamentals of energy controlling

VDI 3138 Blatt 2-1999Cold forging of steel - Application@ examples of products@ economical views

VDI 6050-2017Assessing the sustainability of the built environment - Training of professionals

VDI 2100 Blatt 6-2008Determination of gaseous compounds in ambient air - Determination of indoor air pollutants - Gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Practical instructions for the determination of the measurement uncertainty

VDI 2527e-1951Guidelines of the Association of German Engineers (VDI): Evaluation of used machine tools; gear hobbers; test and evaluation sheet

VDI 3959 Blatt 1-2007Vegetation as an indicator of nitrogen immissions - Evaluation of nitrogen availability using Ellenberg indicator values of forest ground vegetation

VDI 4320 BLATT 4-2016Measurement of atmospheric depositions - Determination of the deposition of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) using the funnel-adsorber sampler

VDI 3792 Blatt 3-1991Measurement of the response dose - Measurement of the response dose of ambient lead in plants with standardized grass cultures

VDI 2134-1959Plain linkages; design of four-bar linkages for the production of given curves; use of symmetrical connecting rod positions

VDI 4251 Blatt 1-2004Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Planning of plant-related measurements - Plume measurement of ambient air

VDI 2119 Blatt 2-1996Measuring of particulate precipitations - Determination of the dust precipitation with collecting pots made of glass (Bergerhoff method) or plastic

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 4-1996Safeguarding of industrial processing plants by means of process control engineering - Calculating methods for reliability characteristics of safety facilities

VDI 4320 BLATT 4-2018Measurement of atmospheric depositions - Determination of the deposition of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) using the funnel-adsorber collector

VDI 4285 Blatt 3-2013Determination of diffusive emissions by measurements - Quantification of diffusive emissions of particulate matter from industrial plants including agricultural sources

VDI 3978-2016Achievement and calculation of cycle time of piece good conveyor systems

VDI/VDE 2631 BLATT 6-2015Form measurement - Determination of the straightness deviation of the linear guide

VDI 3860 BLATT 3-2016Measurement of landfill gas - Measurement of methane at the landfill surface

VDI 3185 Blatt 3-1977Calculation of pressures for cold forward extrusion of short steel tubes

VDI 3138 Blatt 3-1970Cold extrusion of steels and nonferrous metals; examples of work@ efficiency

VDI 2083 BLATT 20-2018Cleanroom technology - Determination of the desorption kinetics of materials after fumigation

VDI 3786 Blatt 4-1982Meteorological measurements concerning questions of air pollution; measurement of air humidity

VDI 2282-1967Limiting of the emission of carbon monoxide in petrol engined vehicles

VDI 3405 BLATT 1.1-2017Additive manufacturing processes - Laser sintering of polymer parts - Qualification of materials

VDI 3772-1981Efficiency and function of technical terms in the languages of technology

VDI 2861 Blatt 3-1987Assembling and handling; characteristics of industrial robots; testing of the characteristics

VDI/VDE 3546 Blatt 5-1990Design of process control rooms; arrangement of monitors at operator stations

VDI 2728 Blatt 1-1991Solution of motion problems using symmetrical coupler curves; problems of transmissions

VDI 2083 BLATT 20-2016Cleanroom technology - Determination of the desorption kinetics of materials after fumigating

VDI 4082-2013Recycling of cars - Draining and preparation of vehicles for the disassembly

VDI/VDE 2655 BLATT 1.3-2018Optical measurement of microtopography - Calibration of interference microscopes for form measurement

VDI 2460 Blatt 1-1992Measurement of gaseous emissions; infrared spectrometric determination of organic compounds; fundamentals

VDI 3786 Blatt 3-1982Meteorological measurements concerning questions of air pollution; measurement of air temperature

VDI 4204 BLATT 1-2018Evaluation of emission measurements - Determination of characteristics in continuous emission monitoring

VDI 2008 Blatt 2-1967The reshaping of semi-finished products of PVC rigid (polyvinyl rigid)

VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 6-2001Form measurement - Determination of the straightness deviation of the linear guide

VDI/VDE 3540 Blatt 3-1980Reliability of measuring and control equipment; simplified determination of failure rates

VDI 2058 BLATT 2-2017Assessment of noise with regard to the risk of hearing damages

VDI 2210-1975Analysis of the engineering process in view of potential computer; application

VDI/VDE 3517 Blatt 5-1999Validation of control systems - Validiation support by use of control systems

VDI 4301 Blatt 6-2010Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement of phthalates with DC/MS

VDI 3957 Blatt 3-2000Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants on plants- Standardised exposure of green cabbage

VDI 3781 Blatt 4-2000Environmental meteorology - Determination of ambient air in different building arrangements as a consequence of emissions of small (industrial) firing installations

VDI 3231-1974Engineering codes of practice for constructions of machine tools and other means of production; electrical equipment for automated production facilities

VDI 2266 Blatt 1-1968Measurement of the dust concentration at the working place; measurement of the number of particles; measuring with the thermal precipitator

VDI 3793 BLATT 3-2017Survey and monitoring of trees and forest stands by means of aerial images - Design and procedure of digital image surveys

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 2-1984Safeguarding of industrial processing plants by means of instrumentation and control technology; calculating methods for reliability characteristics of safety facilities

VDI 3793 BLATT 3-2015Survey and monitoring of trees and forest stands by means of aerial photos - Design and procedure of digital image surveys

VDI 3940 Blatt 5-2012Measurement of odour impact by field inspection - Determination of odour intensity and hedonic odour tone - Instructions and examples of use

VDI 4650 BLATT 1-2019Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pumps - Electric heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water

VDI/VDE 2616-1978Hardness testing of metallic materials; selection criteria: methods of hardness testing@ application@ advantages-disadvantages@ range of hardness test@ error limits

VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 4-1998Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering - Calculating methods for reliability characteristics of safety instrumented systems

VDI 3793 Blatt 2-1990On-site determination of vegetational injuries; interpretation keys to evaluate aerial CIR-photographs for registration of the state of crowns of coniferous and deciduous trees; spruce@ beech@ and oak

VDI 2057 Blatt 4.2-1983Assessment of the effect of mechanical vibrations on human beings; measurement and evaluation for vehicles@ including movable working-machines and means of transportion@ with not given conditions of running

VDI 3957 Blatt 18-2014Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants (biomonitoring) - Determination of nitrogen accumulation in the foliose lichen Parmelia sulcata detecting effects of ambient air pollutants

VDI 4203 BLATT 1-2015Automated measuring and data evaluation systems for emission monitoring - Performance test@ declaration of suitability and certification of stationary measuring systems and check of the quality management system of the manufacturer

VDI 3861 Blatt 1-1988Measurement of fibrous particles; manual measurement of asbestos in flowing clean exhaust gas; determination of asbestos mass concentration by IR-spectroscopy

VDI/VDE 2629 Blatt 2-2008Accuracy of contour-measuring systems - Characteristics and their checking - Determination of the uncertainty of specific contour measurements using standards/calibrated workpieces

VDI 2527c-1951Guidelines of the Association of German Engineers (VDI): Evaluation of used machine tools; mechanical and hydraulic presses; test and evaluation sheet

VDI 3957 Blatt 2-2001Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants on plants (bioindication) - Method of standardised grass exposure

VDI 2456 Blatt 6-1978Gaseous emission measurement; determination of the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide as nitrogen monoxide by use of a converter

VDI 4320 BLATT 3-2015Measurement of atmospheric depositions - Determination of the deposition of water-soluble anions and cations - Sampling with bulk- and wet only-collectors

VDI/VDE 2629 BLATT 2-2019Accuracy of contour-measuring systems - Characteristics and their testing - Determination of the uncertainty of specific contour measurements using standards/calibrated workpieces

VDI 3870 Blatt 2-1997Analysis of rain water - Sampling of rain water - Sampler type ARS 721

VDI/VDE 3696 Blatt 3-1993Manufacturer independent configuration of digital control systems; syntax of function block text

VDI 3723 Blatt 1-1982Application of statistical methods for the description of variating ambiant noise levels

VDI 4706 Blatt 1-2009Planning and dimensioning of the indoor climate (VDI ventilation code of practice)

VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 BLATT 6-2018Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - Calibration of DC power supplies

VDI 2221 BLATT 2-2018Design of technical products and systems - Structuring of individual product development processes

VDI 3469-1982Emission control; extraction and processing of asbestos; treatment of products containing asbestos

VDI 3633 Blatt 7-2000Simulation of systems in materials handling@ logistics and production - Simulation of costs

VDI 3723 Blatt 1-1993Application of statistical methods for the description of variating ambiant noise levels

VDI 2725 Blatt 2-1985Characteristic values of mechanisms; characteristic values for design and development of mechanisms

VDI/AWF 2870-1984Judgement of numerically controlled machine tools; accuracy; agreement of order and proof

VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 19-2014Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - Characterisation of HF-measuring cables

VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 2.1-2006Measurement of mechanical quantities - Instructions for calibration of mobile force measurement systems

VDI 4009 Blatt 9-1980Methods of point- and interval-estimation of reliability-parameters and hypothesis testing

VDI 4663 BLATT 1-2019Evaluation of energy and material efficiency - Methodical application of the physical optimum

VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 2.1-2007Measurement of mechanical quantities - Instructions for calibration of mobile force measurement systems

VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 7-2010Form measurement - Determination of deviations from positions of the form-measurement axes

VDI 2893-2003Selection and development of economic key indicators for the judgement of maintenance








